Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Big Boy's Party

Saturday, January 30, 2010
Where oh where did my blog go?
One of the most exciting things that happened to finish off 2009 was that big Boy turned 6!!!! I can't help but sound like every other parent out there when I say that I can't believe how fast the time has gone! While five was a big deal, I think that 6 is even bigger. Big Boy is in kindergarten now and it's so great to see how much he has grown in maturity and learning. Being 6 means that you need TWO hands to show how old you are and it really really means you are a Big Boy now. :) He is SO excited to be six. This year for his birthday we chose to do a party at Gymnastic Beat where the kids attend gymnastic classes once a week. It was a great idea since it gave both the adults and kids to have a great time play to their hearts content. For the party we had the entire gym to ourselves which was really cool to be able to try out all the equipment. After our time was up we invited everyone back to our house for cake, pizza and presents. Really a great way to celebrate Big Boy and to start off the new year!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Treats from Hawaii
Papa just got home from a two week work trip to Hawaii and spoiled the kiddos with lots of neat treats. Boopy was happy too see him and to get to wear her new Hawaiian dress.
Big Boy was also anxious about getting to his goodies. The kids like their mini "guitars".
Showing Papa her fairy costume from Clovis Fest.
Hardcore fairy rocker
Showing off her new Hawaiian purses
Trying to look at his new map without it rolling up. Don't worry, we got him a frame for it today.
Later in the evening the kiddos had to do "projects". I love that they love to do school type work for fun - hope the love stays.
He then decided to draw his new submarine, but then changed his mind and made it a rocket.
Clovis Fest!
Such a girl....she picked out "lipstick" and a hair clip with her $5 and then immediately had to put on her lipstick.
Showing off our new things.
Big Boy liked checking out the cars and had to make sure we knew where the engine was located.
There are many times I just don't know where this child came from! She's so dramatic.
I gave the kids a choice, ride a carnival ride or go in the bounce house. All the rides are way overpriced so I told to pick wisely. I think buying the tickets was almost as much fun as the rides!
I in turn had to take one more of her!