Saturday, Papa Vaughn participated in a motorcycle ride in the morning with a group from the base for a fundraiser. It finished with a small bbq that we joined him for. After that we spent the afternoon at home. Boopy decided that she needed to freshen up her "make-up" getting into my powder. While she's generally a totally tomboy, it's fun to see that she has her "girly" side too.

She's such a little poser - I think I've got her hooked on my camera, unlike Big Boy who often makes me chase him to get his picture - hence the fact that this blog post has many more Boopy photos than Big Boy shots.

We did manage to peal Big Boy away from Papa and cartoons with the enticement of a popsicle and chalk in the front yard. While I totally miss the tiny baby he once was, I love the big kid he's become and his independence.

Boopy had me trace her hands for her.

In true kid fashion, and in honor of Peter Pan, they played with their shadows for a bit.

We rounded out our afternoon with some fun backyard fun too.

As for Monday, the holiday, we lazed around in the morning, got ourselves together for the afternoon and spent it hanging out at the zoo. I didn't bring my camera but did catch a few pics on my cell phone. Oh by the way if you look closely in the picture below take notice of Boopy's shoes. my nice responsible Big Boy was offered his flip flops or his tennis shoes to where to roam the zoo. He appropriately chose the tennis shoes. Boopy on the other hand insisted on her dress shoes because she considers them her "princess" shoes and we all know she's quite the princess. So, yes, she was the one tromping around climbing on everything at the zoo in her dress shoes from Auntie Jenn's wedding.
We finished the day off with a family walk around the block, some play time with the neighborhood kids and getting ourselves ready for the rest of the week when we have to go back to the real world of alarm clocks and chores that can't be ignored. Here's hoping that you all had a relaxing and fun filled 3 day weekend!