Friday, August 28, 2009

King of the Day!!!

My sweet big boy, who LOVES kindergarten, got to be "King of the Day" today! In his class all the kids get to be King or Queen of the day once and then they switch to a "Lion" of the week. As you can tell he was quite proud that it was his turn today!

When Sam asked him what a "King" does when she picked him up from school at noon today, he told her that a King eats chicken and fries, so she indulged and got him his favorite Happy Meal from McDonald's for lunch!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

First day of Kindergarten!!!

We made it! We got the school clothes and haircut over the weekend and talked all about how much fun Kindergarten was going to be. We even read two special Kindergarten story books last night (thanks G&G Vaughn for "The Night Before Kindergarten"). Big Boy woke up with a huge grin full of excitement!

The first thing this morning was checking out his new backpack and getting to open the letters that G&G Prohaska wrote to them that arrived in the mail yesterday. The kids immediately had to make a picture with the stickers on paper. They know the rule well that stickers ONLY go on designated paper or sometimes themselves. Hmm...betcha you know how they learned this! If you've been over to our house, check out the side of our coffee table and you'll figure it out.

Papa and I took the day off to spend with our sweet Kindergartner! Had to get the traditional leaving the house first day picture! All grown up! By the way, he picked out what he wore today. I gave him a choice of 5 new shirts, so he was quite happy with himself today.

The parking around the school was complete madness, not surprising for the first day. Lots of parents like us having taken the day off. Anyway, we had to park a couple of blocks away. Big Boy was so excited still that he practically skipped/ran down the sidewalk.

Outside the door to his classroom!

Meeting his teacher and putting his backpack in his cubby.

Putting on his name tag

Aunt Kat got to go see Big Boy off on his first day. She's visiting for a bit before she moves to Washington DC for her new job.

We all did okay until it was time for the parents to go. Big Boy had a few tears and was very clingy to Papa. Can't say I blame him, Aunt Kat and I had teary eyes too. Overall though we all did good and big happy smiles!

While Big Boy was at school we asked Boopy what she wanted to do. We didn't quite have enough time to take her to a movie or do anything big. She told us she wanted to go to a store. So we took her to Wal-Mart and let her pick out a treat. Papa picked out a first day of school treat for Big Boy and I picked up the classroom donation requests his teacher had handed out. Finished up our shopping and headed back to the school a bit early to wait with the other excited parents. I wish I had gotten a picture of Papa peaking through the fence to watch Big Boy at recess! The kindergartners get released not long after recess/snack time, so out came a happy sweaty boy!

Happy day and happy for his monster truck treats

Hope the rest of the days go as well! The real test will be the rest of the week and Monday
when we will be on a normal schedule with Sam dropping and picking him up.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

National Night Out!

Last night we ended up with a spontaneous night out. We went to National Night Out at Target off west Shaw, not far from where we live. Honestly, sad to say, I had never heard of this annual event. Papa Vaughn was going out to it for work as he was set to take pictures of the Air National Guard booth so I decided the kids and I would join him. They had police cars, firetrucks, an ambulance, swat truck and the air national guard training seat to climb in and explore. There were FREE hot dogs, sodas, chips, coloring books, stickers and face painting. A very fun event! Unfortunately when we got there, Papa Vaughn had already left to go back to the Air base to help with the media regarding a fire that broke out there just as the event started. With Papa not there with his camera I only had my camera phone to chronicle the outing. At least I got a few fun shots.

Sitting in the trainer for the planes

Standing in the back of the Swat truck

Boopy really liked driving the police car.

We ran into our neighbors Shannen and Noah. Noah had fun hanging out with the kids.