So the crazy week before Christmas finally came to a close with a Christmas party, trip to the doctor and a job interview. Phew!
Big Boy's class Christmas program was at 11:30 so I took an early lunch to watch him sing a couple of songs and participate in the class party. I was impressed that there were so many other parents and family members that came! I'd say there were probably at least 20 or so family members. Big Boy's teachers said that because so many parents couldn't make it to the early performance, they were going to have the kids perform again at 3:30. This worked out great since Papa Vaughn couldn't come due to an interview at Circuit City at precisely 11:30. He has since been offered a job in the evenings which he'll do for a while to help make ends meet. He has officially FINALLY received the approvals for the temp position at the base which he'll start back at just after Christmas. Regardless the short time out of work helped us realize a little extra work wouldn't hurt. So...Papa will now be working a second job for a little while. So, back to the party, the kids were really cute. They were in the teachers lounge waiting for the parents to arrive and get settled in their classroom. The teachers then ushered them in and set them up. Once everyone was in a place (it didn't really matter where) they were set to start! The song was "Jingle Bells" and I think maybe about 5 kids and the teachers sang it out of the 30 or so kids total! A majority of them had stage fright now realizing that there were all these strange people staring at them. Some were simply doing their own thing and one cried the minute he say his mother and wouldn't join the class. All in all it was REALLY cute and I'm so glad I was able to go!
Big Boy's seat for snacks.
Peek-a-boo, Big Boy! Here he is coming into the classroom with the other kids.
Can you find Big Boy?
Poor Boopy! Her little eyes started out the night before with green gross stuff that we figured with connected with her having a cold/sinus infection. But her poor little eyes just got worse and worse throughout the day. Before I went to the class program I had already made her a doctors appointment for the afternoon, but since she was so miserable and the daycare was afraid she had pink eye they were all set to send her home. They did let her join me for brother's performance though. We got her to the doctor late afternoon and thankfully the eye drops prescribed have cleared her right up. Although, you would think she's being tortured to death if you heard her when we put them in her eyes. I swear she already knows cuss words, just not sure where she's picking them up from!