Sunday, Dec 9th, I had the wonderful opportunity to sneak away and have lunch with some of my dearest friends! I have been blessed with a rather large group of friends that have kept in touch throughout the years. Quite a few of us have known each other since first grade! Others came to be friends in 7th grade. And believe it or not some of the girls have been friends since Kindergarten! This isn't nearly the whole group of us but it was a great chance to catch back up with Diana who we hadn't seen in over a year! It was so good to see her. Without going into details, as it's not my place, she's had some problems with her eyes, so she can use all the prayers and support she can get these days! Thank you Diana for a wonderful lunch! I hope we can all get together again soon!
Me, Diana, Michelle, Jennifer

And yes, I look REALLY tall here, which I suppose I am. It's kinda hard to believe that I was once one of the shortest in my class!
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