Yes, unlike Big Boy (unless you count his "chompers" pacifier), Boopy has a "lovey". She is completely attached to her pink blankie. While other knitted blankies will suffice, pink blankie trumps all others. Pink blankie gets dragged throughout the house, outside, in the car and brings a constant form of amusement, protection, love and food source. Yes, food source. Strangely enough Boopy chews on her blankie. She is often caught with the holes of the knitted blankie hooked onto her bottom two front teeth while she gnaws on the yarn and tugs at the rest of it. Plus Boopy has found that the giant holes she has created in blankie make blankie a wonderful large necklace that she can walk around with stuck around her head. Quite strange I know, but then she is related to Papa Vaughn. Ha ha! :)
While blankie has already lived a wonderful life, I don't think blankie's life purpose is fulfilled quite yet. So it's off to the blankie hospital to make sure blankie can last a bit longer. It's either that or deal with the consequence of a sad Boopy when blankie no longer exists or perhaps having blankie get kicked out of daycare for unintentionally choking some poor child. Which yes, because of the gaping holes, blankie is on the verge of being kicked out. So without further ado here are a few fond memories of blankie to enjoy while blankie gets ready to go on a journey to come back to Boopy a healthy patched blankie!
Blankie with Boopy at 5 months old. And Boopy giving blankie a ride at 10 months old.
A tired Boopy and blankie at 11 months. Notice the fingers poked through the holes of blankie. Yes, the abuse has been going on for quite some time. Although blankie has gotten to enjoy a few meals. Here's blankie at 13 months enjoying dinner.

In retrospect the eating and abuse of cotton items should not be a surprise as Boopy did start at an early age. Here's Boopy at 7 months eating a sock.
Greetings from the Weaverville Vaughns: Love your blog!
G.A. Jeannine and G.U. David
(we aren't really anonymous!)
Umm- not to bring up a sore subject, but that's at least better than what happened to "may-may".
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