So, Papa Vaughn enjoyed having the kids to himself today. He couldn't work at the base today because they were closed for the Columbus holiday. Instead, it's been a day of every day life stuff. He dropped his car off for an oil change and took the kids to the play area at Carl's Jr. to kill some time before picking me up for lunch. I was amused to have Charles call me to ask if I realized how little fear Boopy had! Ummm....let's see, she climbs onto the kitchen table, up and down from our bed (which is not low to the ground), in and out of the bathtub herself, tries to ride Big Boy's tricycles which are too big for her and pretty much thinks she's at least 3 years old, going on 16. So, yes, I think I realize she has no fear! What she was doing at Carl's Jr. play area however, would have made me thoroughly nervous had I been there. Yes, she can do most of what Big Boy does, but really, she's only 16 months so some things are just a bit too big for her. I'm really glad I wasn't with them and only got to enjoy the cell phone pictures afterwards! I'm sure Papa will keep letting her think she's really big for awhile. At least until she really does turn 16! :)
"If brother can do it, so can I!!!!

*Look for a blog & pictures from the fair this weekend later on!
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