Frustrating, disappointing, worried, "it is what it is", and "it will be okay", are a few things that went through my head last night when Big Boy had a seizure. He had been home all day with me and Boopy because he woke up with a 101.2 fever. As it was, I had picked Boopy up early from daycare on Friday with a fever, although she broke hers fairly quickly and everyone was fine through the weekend. With Boopy, she may have had a fever but you could hardly tell as she was running around crazy, playing. Big Boy, on the other hand has everything affect him worse.
Yesterday he played quite a bit and for the most part was okay, even telling us he was okay when we asked. At the same time though, he'd wear down rather easily and just need to be cuddled for a while, which I rather enjoyed. Early in the evening Big Boy started slowing down a bit more and curled up on the couch with a movie. Papa Vaughn had just gotten home and ran out to get some more Gatorade and a few things for dinner. It was a little after 5 and I heard a gurgling noise from the living room. I had been in the kitchen cooking dinner. I ran to check on Big Boy and caught him at the end of a seizure and he had just thrown up on himself. Poor little guy. Figuring it's been two years from this past September that he's had a seizure, I thought he'd outgrown these things. Apparently, that's not the case. After cleaning him up and cooling him down, he fell fast asleep, his body obviously worn out.
While he's now perfectly fine and I'm confident the seizure is again tied to the fever and a
febrile seizure, it's still frustrating to have this experience come back. I really figured since he's been sick with fevers at various points the past two years and not had a seizure that this not so fun concern was one of the past. I have notified his doctors so it's on record and let the daycare know. However, I'm hoping that this was just a tougher fever than I thought and it will be the final and last seizure we see. One can only hope and pray. My poor sweet Big Boy.
Because of the seizure and wanting to make sure he didn't overdue, I stayed home another day with Big Boy and therefore Boopy. Since his fever had broken, Big Boy was back to his normal silly self so we had a fun day just hanging out and playing together. When I sent the kids upstairs to put them down for a nap they both thought sleeping together in the blow up bed in our room would be fun. (We had the bed in our room for Darren to sleep in Tuesday night so we could keep a closer eye on him in case he had any more seizures.) They were just too cute not to snap a picture of!