Friday, February 29, 2008
Turn out the Light!
Boopy: "No light" (pointing outside)
Mama: "No light? Do you mean the sun?"
Boopy: "Yeah"
Mama: "You want me to turn off the sun?"
Boopy: "Yeah, no light" (squinting and pointing)
Mama: "That's a bit hard to do, Boopy. I'm sorry, I can't just turn off the sun. Besides, we need the sun on to be daytime and keep us warm."
Boopy: "No light! Light Off!" (getting a bit more irritated)
Mama: "Boopy, I'm sorry I can't turn off the sun. God controls the sun and I really don't think we want him to turn it off, okay?"
Boopy: "No light!" (STILL pointing)
Mama: sigh..."Hey, did you see the big bus?" (got to love driving distractions!)
Thankfully, the big bus distracted her enough and by the time I turned onto Chestnut heading North, the sun was out of her face and we were onto singing "The Wheels on the Bus".
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Red Hair Again!
Just being cute!
My Little Carpenters
And not to be out done by big brother, Boopy had to give the screwdriver a try.
Always time for a quick game of peek-a-boo! (We finished the bookcase after bath time.)
Friday, February 22, 2008
Where, oh where, did she come from?
Take last night for example when I was cooking dinner. Boopy has decided that "helping" in the kitchen is fun and she makes sure to "help" with cooking and washing dishes. Now of course, I know I really shouldn't discourage the help, but when she wants to eat everything as I'm cooking, I find myself wanting to shoo her out of the kitchen. So there I am, preparing dinner and chopping up some green onions. She's brought her little plastic stool that she got from Santa over and is eye level with the counter. She's itching all over to get her hands on dinner and sample everything I have laid out. While everything I had out for dinner is edible in it's own right, some things are just a bit odd to eat alone. Green onions are one of these things. But this is Boopy I'm talking about and so she reached up and swiped some of the green onions from my cutting board and shoved them in her mouth. After a big smile and "yum, yum" she asked for "more onion"! So, yes, she stood there and ate as much plain green onion that I would let her have. I swear if you put a bug in front of her and told her it was food, she'd probably eat it and then ask for more! Please Boopy, please don't end up on Fear Factor some day. That show really grosses me out.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Big Boy's 1st Dentist Appointment!
Well, there was no need for worry, because Big Boy did so great! He had no reason to fear going to the dentist, like many of us adults, so for him everything was so cool, new and exciting. He got to sit in a fun chair that moved back and up and down, hold a small vaccum for suctioning in his mouth and wear special glasses! Plus, the dentist office is really nice and high tech, with cool wand like cameras that they are able to take pictures of indivual teeth inside your mouth and put them up on the screen in front of you. He REALLY liked seeing his teeth on the tv. The hygenist, who is wonderful, super easy going, was able to get almost all the x-rays needed. The one she wasn't able to get was only because it wasn't fitting in Big Boy's mouth. He let her try like 3 times! She even polished his teeth, flossed and talked to him about how to use his toothbrush. He did a super, super, super job! I really can't express just how proud of him I am!
Boopy slept through almost all of the appointment (thank goodness!) When she did wake up at the tail end she thought she should have a turn. Instead she got to share in picking out a treasure from the treasure chest. Hopefully though when it really is her turn to see the dentist she'll do just as well.
Since I forgot my camera to document this big event, I was stuck using my camera phone. Although Big Boy almost looks scared in the photo below, he really wasn't. He was just laying patiently holding his new toothbrush and ready for the next step.
As a big reward for such an outstanding visit, Papa Vaughn took the kids to McDonald's for lunch and then they were off to the park to enjoy the beautiful day off. I unfortunately headed back to work.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine's Day Aftermath
The kids, however, did have a great time at school with class parties and lots of goodies. Here's a bit of the aftermath. Boopy's teacher's gave her the puppy and the box is Big Boy's. I've mixed the candies.
The kids were excited to have some Valentine's in the mail for them from Grandma & Grandpa in Washington and GG in Merced.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Seizure Follow-Up
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Zoo Recovery
What a weekend.....
Boopy had to share her drink with her baby.
So that was our fun Friday night. Saturday's plan was for me to go take newborn baby pictures for a friend and then come home. The plan was then for Papa and me to take the kids to the zoo. Papa had to work at 4 so we figured there would be plenty of time. Well, my lack of brain function these days caused a cramp in the plans. I had gotten mixed up on days and thought 2nd cousin Jacob's 1st birthday party was on Sunday. Well, it turns out it was Saturday so I rushed home threw the kids in the car and we were off on the 45 minute trek to Merced!
Here's the birthday boy and Boopy looking cute.
GG & Boopy watching presents being opened and Big Boy & Boopy enjoying cotton candy.
After the party we went to GG's for a bit where I noticed Big Boy was rather warm. He obviously had a fever and was complaining he was cold. I wasn't too concerned, just figured I'd get him home, give him some Motrin and put him to bed. Well, not 5 minutes from GG's house and just onto the freeway Big Boy had a seizure. Ugh. It was dark, near 7 pm and just the kids and me. I pulled off the freeway, checked on Big Boy and got back in to drive. After calling GG, I called 911 and turned around on the freeway to head back into Merced. While talking to the 911 operator I pulled into a McDonald's and within moments the paramedics arrived with no sirens on. I had explained that my son had a history of seizures but this one was lasting longer than the others had. As I was on the phone with the operator, Big Boy started coming out of the seizure. Had the ambulance not been right around the corner, I probably would have told them not to come and that we were okay. Poor Boopy was really upset that the paramedics took her brother. She sat in the car at McDonald's calling for "Brother"! I told her that brother was in the big white truck and that he was okay. She then just waved and said "Hi Brother!".
Papa Vaughn's aunt then meet us at the hospital with GG. GG stayed with me and Aunt Dorane took my car and Boopy back to her house until we were cleared to leave the hospital. It was good to have them check him over at the hospital although we sat for far too long. Basically nothing was done at the hospital other than give Big Boy some Tylenol to get his fever down and then we watched him curl up and go to sleep. We were finally discharged some time after 10pm which put Boopy, Big Boy and me home after 11. A very loooooong evening. We put Big Boy in our room on his blow up bed to be able to watch him closer. By the morning his fever had broken and he was back to his usual silly self.