Friday, February 29, 2008

Turn out the Light!

So this morning, on our drive in to school & work, Boopy had a complaint and an unobtainable request. Since it is nearing spring and the sun has been shining brightly in the mornings when we leave the house, there have been more moments of bright shining sunlight in the car, unfortunately often hitting the kids right in the eyes. Because the light is coming from the front window there's not much that can be done until I change direction. This morning, Boopy was a bit more bothered about the bright sunlight. Our morning conversation was quite amusing.

Boopy: "No light" (pointing outside)
Mama: "No light? Do you mean the sun?"
Boopy: "Yeah"
Mama: "You want me to turn off the sun?"
Boopy: "Yeah, no light" (squinting and pointing)
Mama: "That's a bit hard to do, Boopy. I'm sorry, I can't just turn off the sun. Besides, we need the sun on to be daytime and keep us warm."
Boopy: "No light! Light Off!" (getting a bit more irritated)
Mama: "Boopy, I'm sorry I can't turn off the sun. God controls the sun and I really don't think we want him to turn it off, okay?"
Boopy: "No light!" (STILL pointing)
Mama: sigh..."Hey, did you see the big bus?" (got to love driving distractions!)

Thankfully, the big bus distracted her enough and by the time I turned onto Chestnut heading North, the sun was out of her face and we were onto singing "The Wheels on the Bus".


Anonymous said...

Wow! She's really talking!! How exciting:)

Gayle said...

Yeah, it's so crazy! Sooo different than Big Boy's talking. We have full converstaions with her, she's such a little sponge, often repeating everything we say.

Anonymous said...

O.K., Mama Vaughn, we're calling you went we want the snow turned off! (Or as Uncle David said when we reached the four feet level, "O.K., now this is just getting to be absurd!" Strangely, that didn't make it stop snowing!)