Due to the crazy busy week prior to Easter, it was already planned to be pretty low key which it kind of stayed. We got up around 8 am so that the kids could hunt eggs and we could get everyone ready to go to Merced for church with GG Cedarholm. The kids really enjoyed the little goodies in their baskets from the Easter bunny. Boopy got the
Lucky Ducks game, while Big Boy got a
tail pull game. Both had fun Easter eggs with goodies, Big Boy's had a matchbox vehicle in it and Boopy had a miniature My Little Pony.

In the hallway upstairs the Easter bunny followed a tradition I grew up with and scattered change (pennies, nickels, dimes, etc.) on the floor leading to the Easter eggs. Boopy, who is very much into money these days, was quite excited, while Big Boy was more into the eggs.

Here they are checking out more plastic eggs with goodies hidden downstairs by the Easter bunny.

After a busy few hours home, we drove up to Merced and enjoyed a nice Easter service with GG Cedarholm. After church we went back to her house where the Easter bunny had made brunch and hid MORE eggs, this time with CANDY, for the kids.
Waiting for GG at her front door - I played a bit with Photoshop.

Papa Vaughn helped Big Boy put together the wooden airplane he got in his basket at home and then the kids got ready to head out to the backyard for egg hunting.

And while that would have made for a fairly eventful Easter day, we ended up with a bit more adventure than originally planned. Grandma Vaughn was originally going to drive down to meet in Merced for church, brunch and egg fun. Unfortunately, she fell ill and ended up in the hospital the night before and was being held for observation. So, since she couldn't come to us, we went to her! GG, Papa, the kids and me all drove the hour north and hung out with Grandma and Grandpa Vaughn in Grandma's hospital room. Not wanting to wear her out, we didn't stay long, but in the meantime the kids had a good time entertaining everyone and playing peek-a-boo with the room divider curtain.

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