Our good friend, Danny turned 3 at the end of April and boy did the kids have fun helping him celebrate. We went to his birthday party Saturday, May 3rd and enjoyed a glorious early summer day. Weather was well into the low 80's but just about right for this time of year and not too hot yet.

Danny is very much into music, especially guitars, so it was only fitting to have a rock star birthday party complete with blow-up guitars!

Most of the party was spent letting the kids play in the backyard. Big Boy enjoyed Danny's motorized 4 wheeler and gave Danny and Boopy rides all around the yard.

Boopy of course had to try it out for herself. She's such a big girl you know!

Grant, Danny's little brother who is almost one, got into the action too. He loved going down the slide with Danny. Grant was so funny chasing the kids around wanting to do everything they did. Hmmm...sounds familiar, doesn't it. I'm starting to think there really is something crazy to the second child thing. (Good luck, Five & Kathie - the second one really is something else!)

Big Boy & Boopy got to experience water balloons for the first time. Big Boy and Danny really enjoyed them and chased each other all over the yard. Well, okay, Big Boy, who LOVES to be chased made Danny chase him.

After the first balloon and Big Boy nearly getting Boopy with one she had enough and went onto getting Danny's Grandma to play with bubbles with her.

Since it had been drill weekend, we didn't see much of Papa Vaughn, but we still found it to be another fun filled summer weekend!
*Keep an eye out over the next couple of days. I hope to share pictures from the past weekend (Mother's Day, which I hope all the mothers out there enjoyed!) and then get ready to report on Boopy's 2nd birthday party which is a low key affair this Saturday. I really can't believe she's going to be 2 already this coming Monday!!
LOVE the pic of Big Boy with the guitar. Thanks for sharing:)
Boopy is going to be TWO?!? Where has the time gone? (Happy Birthday, Boopy!)
Jeannine and David
I cannot believe that we have kids this big. Looking forward to many more birthday gathering.....and who knows maybe a wedding!!!!!
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