Obon Festival!
For many many years my dear friend Jennifer (otherwise known as Auntie Jenn to my kids and one of Boopy's godmothers) has danced in the Japanese Buddhist Obon Festival. For many many years we've mentioned to Jenn that we would love to come support her and watch the dancing. For many many years we've only found out about the festival AFTER it occurred. This year however, her fiance sent us girlfriends a link to watch Jenn on the local morning news promoting the festival This year, we knew the date BEFORE the festival took place. So...this year, we took it upon ourselves to surprise Jenn. Little did we know, however, that we would be the ones surprised. This year, Jenn wasn't dancing! She had a wedding to attend! Regardless, my friend Anne, her kids, Russell & Lindsay, and Aunt Kat (who was in town to watch the kids for us) all had a great time visiting with Jenn's parents and sister and joining in on the festivities. And yes, we will be sure that we know the date ahead of time next year AND that Jenn will be dancing!
It ended up being a beautiful Saturday night. Definitely still summer temperatures (hot!) but a nice breeze picked up as the sun began to set giving beautiful lighting for a beautiful festival!
Big Boy and Boopy both tried out the chopsticks at dinner. Big Boy actually did pretty good even using just one hand for a couple of bites. Unfortunately I didn't get a great picture of him using them. Boopy on the otherhand, tried, but found it much easier to use both hands. Uncle Five should be proud of them!

The temple. All ready for the dancing.

The kids sweet talked Russell & Lindsay into some of their game coupons and joined in the kids activities. Thanks Russell & Lindsay!

Showing of their prizes.

Boopy getting a better view on Aunt Kat's shoulder and hugging mama.
They had lead dancers up on stage and then everyone danced around in a large track like circle around it. Beautiful!

Boopy, being the dancing queen that she is, had fun dancing along.

Lindsay got brave and joined Jenn's sister, Kim out in the dancing arena when they invited anyone in the audience to join in. I'm sure had Auntie Jenn been there, Boopy would have been out there too. Maybe next year!

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