There are times that my life simply makes me tired. Tired when I think about all we try to squeeze in, even if it all sounds like a good idea at the time. Labor Day week was no exception. Papa Vaughn ended up with the entire weekend off, only to work Monday night. So...I got the great idea that we should start in on "Operation Room Change". We've been talking for some time about switching the upstairs rooms around and giving the kids their own rooms. To do this however, we need to clear out what is currently the guest room, the first room at the top of the stairs.
Our upstairs consists of 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and our laundry room. The guest room currently houses 3 bookcases, 1 futon and misc items. These will all move into the master bedroom. We are blessed enough to have a very large bedroom, one that in the original floor plans could have been divided to be a master and smaller bedroom. In order to move the guest room furniture into our room however, we realized that we needed to redo the layout. So, we started "Operation Room Change" by overhauling our room. This is a good thing as it has been long overdue. Our room has our home computer in it and has become the room that things get put in and the door shut. This said, we really needed to reorganize and clean up old unnecessary papers, etc. While starting in on our room clean up with took all day Saturday, we realized that since we were rearranging why not go ahead and paint too. Yeah, let's just make it a really big project!
So, Sunday, after I did a photo shoot for Ashyln's 7 months pictures in Madera, we grabbed lunch and went to Lowe's to pick out paint. The rest of Sunday was spent moving furniture around and prepping for painting on Monday. We did take some time to rest and had Big Darren, Carolyn and her sister, Kelly over for dinner. They then stayed at our house with the kiddos put in bed while Papa Vaughn and I skipped out to see the 9:30 pm showing of "The Dark Knight". Which, by the way, we both loved!!! It definitely lived up to my expectations.
Monday, I had a photo shoot for baby Ryan's 5 month pictures in Clovis, then went home to paint our room. Of course we had big helpers who were really excited to paint. They didn't do too bad. Boopy ended up with the most paint on her body, which thankfully I had decided to strip her down to her pull-up beforehand and put her hair in a pony-tail. Papa had to go to work at 5 which left me to finish the trim at the top of the wall and the second coat. We ended up sleeping on our mattress on the floor that night.
At this point in time, we have our room mostly put back together. We've flipped where all our furniture was to opposite sides of the room and I'm really liking it thus far. We've haven't moved any of the guest furniture in yet as we still have the ceiling to paint, which we'll get to in a couple of weeks. This weekend we'll all in Vegas again. Papa's there for a Photoshop Conference and I'm going to help Guya and D move as well as 2 photo shoots. Yes, our life is tiring, but never boring!!!
Enjoy the pictures below!