Having learned the hard way through our experiences with Big Boy, that it is wise to have a first dentist appointment at a young age, even as early or earlier than 2 years old, we set up an appointment for Boopy on Friday, Sept 12. Big Boy had a small cavity to be filled on one of his top molars so Boopy's appointment was immediately after his. Thankfully having "teacher" Sam helping us out now, this appointment set up was ideal because I could still go back with Big Boy for his treatment and then take Boopy back for her first visit. The dentist understandably wouldn't let Boopy back for Big Boy's treatment as we wouldn't want to scare her from any regular visits.
Anyway, my poor big buy suffered through a very easy procedure to fill his cavity, fighting every step of the way. He went in initially for his new x-rays without a problem but wanted nothing more to do with the dentist after that. Not that I really blame the poor kid. It's just that if he had settled down, it would have been a much faster and easier procedure. I did take a couple pictures of my tough big kid since I'm trying to make up for not having anything but my cell phone at his first actual dental appointment. Oh, don't worry, while it looks like Big Boy is having a smoke after his filling, it's really just some gauze he had to bit on.

The kids had a moment to play together before Boopy's turn.

She was REALLY excited for her turn. She kept saying "My turn! My turn!" Seriously - it's anything that big brother can do, she wants to do regardless of what it is!

When I asked her how she was going to show the dentist her teeth this is what she did!

She was a real trooper for the x-rays. She sat very still on my lap, opened her mouth as asked. She was really really good.

Then we went back to the exam area which is really fun and kid friendly, since it is a pediatric dentist office. Anyway, after A LOT of coaxing, all we could get her to do was to sit on the chair barely by herself. I laid down on it with her, sat her in my lap and put her head on the chair. Nothing would convince her that it was okay to sit back and let the hygienist clean her teeth. Dr. Pacheco would have been thrilled if we had gotten that far but didn't have high expectations as not many two year olds manage to cooperate that far. Considering how good the x-rays went, I had hoped we'd get a bit farther without force. Oh well. We did have a brief exam with Dr. Pacheco where she counted Boopy's teeth and added some fluoride on them. Overall Boopy's teeth are in great shape and we're hoping for a smoother exam in March.

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