Monday, December 22, 2008

Base Christmas Party

December 10th was Washington Grandma's birthday, but it was also the Kid's Christmas party at the Air National Guard base where Papa works. Last year the kids had a grand time watching Santa get brought into the party on a fire truck. This year, they were even more surprised when the whole party walked down to the hangers and watched Santa get brought in on an F-16! There was quite a crowd so I wasn't able to catch a picture of Santa getting out of the jet, but I did catch a picture of Big Boy and Boopy getting to look inside the F-16! Big Boy at first didn't want to see the jet up close since it meant staying behind as the rest of the group followed Santa back to the cafeteria. Once he climbed up the ladder though, he decided it was worth it. Although both he and Boopy insisted that we run to catch up to Santa!

Once back in the cafeteria, the kids sat together below the stage and waited for their name to be called by Santa's helpers. (Each parent had brought in a gift for Santa to deliver.) Boopy was very excited when it was their turn!

The Operation Ready Families group on base had put together fun goodie bags for the kids and even had snowman balloons to pass out. All a great distraction for our two to play with while Papa took pictures of the party for part of his work on the base.

Once Papa took a break from taking pictures, the kids were able to open their presents from Santa.
Boopy got a Cinderella doll like her friend Gaby has. This one though can even go into the bathtub with her! It was quite a hit, especially since it came with "Gus, Gus" the mouse!

Big Boy is always easy to please if the item is a truck! This one, however, is unlike some of his others since it actually hauls cars around on it!

Just a cute picture of Papa and the kiddos! Notice silly Mrs. Claus in the background!

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