Thursday, April 30, 2009

Disney - Sneak Peek....

To tied you all over as I continue to muddle through our massive amounts of pictures from the past couple of weeks, here a cell phone pic of the kids at Disneyland. They got to pick out custom mouse ears. You pick the base, then the color/style of ears and can add patches. Great idea and lots of fun!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Belated Easter Pics

So again I find myself a bit behind. I've had client photos to work on, which I also need to catch up on, and then there was this fabulous trip to Disneyland this past weekend, not to mention enjoying Vintage Days with friends the weekend prior. So you see, we've been a bit busy. I've finally found a spare moment to actually sit at the computer and can't believe it's already Wednesday night. Not that I'm complaining, I can't wait for the work week to be over, but I'd really love a few days with nothing planned so I can play with pictures, blog and I suppose catching up on the ever expanding pile of housework would be good too. So on to my real reason for this post - catch up on Easter pictures. Thought I'd finally share pictures from our morning at home before driving up to Merced to spend the day with GG, Grandma & Grandpa Vaughn and cousins.

Easter baskets all set! The kids woke up to find these at their doorway.

Then it was off to the hunt! The Easter bunny did like he did when I grew up which is to leave coins and candy all along the floor leading to where the Easter eggs are hidden (in this case downstairs).

They were both so excited that the Easter bunny also hid eggs outside on the front lawn! (Thanks for good weather!)

A bit of fun with their new bubbles from the Easter bunny.

*Stayed tuned for more belated Easter pics, Vintage Days and our fun at Disneyland!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


We kicked off our Easter celebrating on Saturday. The local museum, the Fresno Metropolitan Museum held a fundraiser, family outing called "Bunnypalooza". Sad to say, having lived here nearly all my life, I had never been to the Met before, so what better way to enjoy some culture and support the museum (they're having major money issues - but then who isn't) than to spend a day as a family with bunny time fun. We ended up staying the entire time the "Bunnypalooza" ran, which was 11:00-3:00! The kids made bunny crafts: bunny baskets (from milk containers - very creative idea that my teacher friends should steal!) and bunny ears. The also got a plant to plant in the yard at home, their faces painted like a bunny and they participated in the egg hunt at 2:00pm. We even spent quite a bit of time in the actual museum. Boopy being cute in her Easter hat and Cinderella glasses - it was a beautiful BRIGHT sunny day, although it was rather windy making it a bit chilly.

Papa helped Big Boy with his crafts, while I helped Boopy.

Finished milk jug bunny basket

Working on their bunny ears.

Looking cute in their bunny ears - Boopy put hers on a bit crooked, she really did have 2 ears. Big Boy stole Papa's glasses since he didn't have his with him. I think he thought he was pretty cool.

Getting their faces painted

After the crafts we ventured inside the museum. Big Boy would have stayed all day in the hand-on displays if we let him. We're hoping to go back this summer when they have a Bob the Builder exhibit.

Big Boys favorites were the next three - a computer game, microscope and Spirograph.

This was a fun wall where you selected the items and put them in the correct section: recyclable or non-recyclable.

The kids were split up by age for the egg hunt, so Papa went with Big Boy and I went with Boopy.

We even ate a fun lunch of hot dogs, nachos, popcorn and Jamba Juice.

All in all a very fun afternoon. Even now, 3 days after, the kids keep asking if we can go to "Bunnypalooza". I would definitely recommend a trip down to the Met, if for nothing else but to support them. The kids loved the first floor hands on displays. The actual art displays upstairs are great too, but our 2 aren't at an age that they really cared much so we only took a quick glance around.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Coloring Easter Eggs

Friday night we pulled out the coloring kits and went to town. Papa Vaughn helped each kid while I took a backseat and mostly took pictures.

Big Boy liked the camouflage stickers that came with one set, as well as the face stickers that came with the other.

Posing with their handiwork. They really liked the faces on each egg as well as doing one with their name on it.

All in all a fun Easter egg dyeing night. I think if we let him, Big Boy would have slept with the eggs in his bed. As it was, he woke up Saturday morning worried and wondering about his eggs. I think he was hoping that the Easter bunny would have come Saturday morning.