"Boo", Big Boy's beloved truck has taken a trip to
Knott's Berry Farm! He was kind enough to let us tag along and made sure to watch out for big Boy on the rides. Here he is on the drive down to Buena Park on Monday. (
Why, he is called "Boo", we have no idea, but for some reason that is his name according to Big Boy.)

Giving Boo some love.

And because I took his picture in the car, Big Boy wanted to take Boopy's, who was sleeping peacefully. Then he had to take a picture of their wonderful "Moo" drinks. Not too bad for pictures for an almost 4 year old! (By the way, I didn't edit these pictures at all!)

My parents, who had just flown in from Washington to Las Vegas to visit my sister for Thanksgiving the night before, were just crazy enough to be willing to join us on the fast but fun day trip. The trip was inspired by the fact that Knott's honors military members and veterans in November yearly by giving them two free entrances and allowing up to six other guests to enter for only $13.00 a piece. Not a deal that we could pass up! Needless to say it only cost $34 for all of us to get in - thanks Mom & Dad! :)

We were pleasantly surprised at how many things there were for our two little ones to do. Granted, Boo probably would have gone on every ride possible but unfortunately for him there were height limits so we were limited to most of Camp Snoopy. It took a short bit to warm Big Boy up, but soon he was brave enough to try out the school bus and tugboat. Boopy went on with Grandpa and Papa but didn't want to sit on her own on the seat and tried to escape before the ride started. We did get her own the bus with Mama when Papa and Big Boy decided to go on it again. Silly Boopy!

Then, Boo was SOOOO excited! We found "BIGS" to ride! This is how Big Boy refers to Big Trucks. Which, by the way, we saw a lot of on the drive down. I think the drive was almost as exciting to Big Boy as the day at the park!

After the "Bigs" we found a "Huff N Puff" train that the kids ride on themselves with their own kid power. Well, okay, the attendant often helps give a little shove but mostly they do it all on their own. Big Boy went on the ride first by himself and we were so happy to see him enjoy it and move along fine. Of course Boopy thinks she can do everything Big Boy does so she practically ran when the opportunity came to sneak in on the ride. The attendant didn't question her age and she obviously seemed capable so we took the chance and put her in a car in front of Big Boy and hoped he could muster enough strength to push them both! In her defense, Boopy did move the lever just she saw the other kids do, just not sure she had much force behind it. Grandpa got a video of the kids on this ride that I'll try to post when I get it from him.

Next to the "Huff N Puff" were race cars! Oh what fun! I had the joy of riding with Boopy and trying to keep her from flying out of the car. The ride turned faster than it looked around each corner. She had a great time though, so it was worth it. Big Boy and Boo rode with Papa in a McDonald's car. A perfect match and also thoroughly enjoyed!

One down side of a full day at an amusement park with an 18 month old girl with attitude is the word "MY" that she has learned. Oh my, she is so stubborn. She was convinced that I had bought this LARGE soda just for her and no one else and no sharing allowed. Any chance we could, we snuck a drink trying hard not to get caught and hear the dreaded "MY" and get this face.

It was nice to have Grandma & Grandpa along for the day for many reasons, but one selfish one is that Grandpa could take a picture of all of us together. Thanks Dad! :)

Grandpa also got to spend some much needed play time with the kids. He hadn't seen them in person in a year!
Grandma had come out in September to visit and help out while Charles was gone and got to see the kids then, but it was still great fun for her to enjoy them again and see all the changes in the short time period.

We did get Grandma in some shots too. Here's a nice one of the three girls. Well, okay, nice of me and Grandma. I'm not sure what was up with Boopy. She looks drunk to me. Maybe it was all that soda...no that was later on after this picture. Who knows.

At least it's not as bad as this one! This looks like bitter beer, old man Boopy! Not a face I'd seen before and not really one I want to see again unless we need to entertain a crowd somewhere.

Okay, to make it up to Boopy, here's a really cute picture of her sitting in a play plane.

Overall, a great day, long but great! Boo made it safely through the park. He even rode on the top of a stage coach, on a train pulled by a steam engine that was robbed by train robbers, won a stuffed duck, sat nicely while Big Boy got his silhouette done and enjoyed a nice dinner at the end of the day at Claim Jumpers. A well deserved day of fun for Boo and the family!