Friday night was spent as a family running errands. We first started at Whole Foods to explore and pick up some herbal treatment that my coworker mentioned for curing the cruddy nighttime cough that Charles has been battling for quite some time. At this point we figured why not try it. So anyway, the kids were excited that they had "Moo-drinks" there so they got a quite treat.
Then it was off to a stop to Toysrus, which of course the kids LOVED! Sometimes, I wonder though if Papa Vaughn doesn't love it more! We stopped initially to look at a bike they had on sale for one of their quick 2 day sales only. We've been on a mission to find the best bikes for both kids to ask Santa for. Big Boy is ready for a big boy bike with training wheels and Boopy thinks she can ride Big Boy's tricycles. Which incidentally if her legs were just a bit longer, I'm sure she could. We've discussed having Santa get her a little bike with training wheels so she can be like brother, but it will only be worth it if it's cheap enough since she'll have his tricycles to ride and won't take long outgrow a small bike. Anyway, Toysrus advertised a cute little bike that would possibly fit Boopy if not now in the near future for $20!

As for the kids, they got bored of Papa digging for Cars and fell

So that was our fun family Friday night. Saturday started with semi-sleeping in. Big Boy as usual, got up early but did a great job playing quietly with his toys and on the computer. Boopy let us sleep until somewhere around 7:30-8:00 am. I then enjoyed a day of scrapbooking with Kristen and "Dr" Kathie while Papa Vaughn and Big Boy enjoyed a boy day. The two of them ran a few errands and then went and saw the Bee Movie. I really love that they can enjoy some boy bonding time, so cute!
The evening brought us a drive to pick up GG and bring her back to enjoy the rest of the weekend with us. It's so great that she doesn't mind our crazy house and is willing to come stay with us. Papa Vaughn and I enjoy her company as do Big Boy and Boopy who were always checking to make sure GG was around. I wish it was feasible to spend this type of quality time with all the Great Grandmas - maybe some day we can work out a trip to Virginia and Arkansas.
Sunday we enjoyed a semi leisure morning and then headed out to the Veteran's Day parade downtown. For some reason I had never heard about what a big deal this parade is in town. It was estimated that 35,000 to 40,000 people would turn out. I wouldn't be surprised if they all did as there were plenty of people lined up and down the streets that we saw. The parade started at the appropriate 11:11 am with fireworks and gunfire. I was worried that it had startled the kids, as it had startled me, but Boopy just keep asking for more and Big Boy clapped. Aside from the overcast cold day and light rain we endured it was well worth the hour or so that we stayed at the parade. To be able to show support for our troops is a wonderful thing.
Misc. pictures of parade watching. I love the flag behind Big Boy and his serious face. He just sat there soaking it all in as if he was studying every little thing going by.
Boopy being silly with her toy bug from McDonald's and Big Boy being silly in the car after the parade.
After the parade we had lunch at a new restaurant not far from home which we all enjoyed and will definitely go back. Then it was nap time for Boopy and a quick girl shopping trip for GG and me. The evening brought a chance to enjoy dinner, which I must add was full of funny kid stuff and I'm hoping doesn't scare GG off from ever eating with us again, and then watching the regular Sunday night shows (Extreme Home Makeover, Desperate Housewives and Brother and Sisters). Papa Vaughn has Monday off so he'll take GG home and get to enjoy some more daddy time with the kids. Can't say that I'm not a bit jealous as I'm stuck going to work. But how nice will it be for GG get to spend some more time with Papa Vaughn and the kids to have daddy to themselves!
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