This weekend blessed us again with beautiful fall weather. It was just warm enough to wear short sleeve tops and encourage the desire to hang out outside. Because Papa Vaughn had drill this weekend it was up to me to come up with fun stuff to do. Saturday was spent cleaning the house, which was long overdue and while not so much fun for me, the kids had a grand time throwing toys about and watching me try to clean up behind and around them. Truth be told, I was really glad when Boopy went down for a nap so I could really get things done without her under foot. She's not quite the big helper that Big Boy has become! He actually moved three of the chairs back to the dining table without me asking! He was so proud of himself that I didn't have the heart to explain to him that I wasn't ready to put them away since I still needed to swiffer under the table.
Saturday evening was spent with a parents night out at the Annual Airman Awards Banquet.
Papa Vaughn made all the programs for the event as well as the table tents and helped with some of the di
splay photos that were placed around the room. It was fun to talk with some of the people he has been working with and see his hard work being put to use! A huge thank you to Auntie Jenn and Uncle Chris for watching Big Boy and Boopy for us! They spoiled them as usual! :)

The time change this weekend proved to be a wonderful thing - at least for Mama Vaughn! Big Boy slept until 7am and Boopy slept until 8:30! Therefore, I got to semi-sleep in until 8:30! Big Boy does so well sitting up and playing with his trains, reading books or playing on his computer. Since Saturday had been so productive, Sunday became our day of play! I got a call from Anne who happened to be in town. We decided to get the kids out and have some fun. After a quick look into the Central CA Parent magazine, I found that the only thing going on was a bird show at the Fairgrounds. We figured "why not"! Unfortunately I had an issue with my camera and missed out on all the cool pictures of the kids petting a Macaw and looking at all the birds on display. The show was more or less a display of pet birds to buy and all the accessories for them. All in all it was something to do and the kids had a good time.
Big Boy couldn't get enough of Russell & Lindsay! Just like Boopy wants to be like him, he wanted to be like the big kids! He had to sit on the rock and look at the water like Russell and even started imitating the hand motions Russell did! It was so cute! Russell was really good with him and offered him many piggy-back rides.
After the bird show we went back to Anne's house to let the kids play. Lindsay had a fun time playing dress up with Boopy and Big Boy. Yes, Big Boy will not be thrilled with me later in life for these photos, but boy did he have fun! :) Big Boy did also enjoy Russell's mask and sword and was found frequently running around with the sword and wanting to be the mask. Doesn't it look like the dragon just slayed the kids in the background? Better watch out!
Big Boy was fascinated with their cat. Especially because the silly thing thought she could hang out in the branches of this young tree!
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