Friday, January 30, 2009

We made it!

Just a quick note to let you all know we made it safe and sound to Grandma & Grandpa Prohaska's in Washington! The kids had flown before but it'd been quite some time (big Boy was 2.5 and Boopy was 6 months) so I doubt they remember it. I wasn't too sure how they'd do, although they are great travelers so I wasn't too worried. Boopy is a bit loud at times and I was more worried about her bothering other passengers with her talking than them being rowdy. They made me quite pleased and handled everything beautifully! I really couldn't have asked for better kids! Aside from the fun adventure of cramming all 3 of us into the teeny tiny airplane bathroom, the trip was a breeze!

While I obviously already have taken a ton of pictures so far, I only have a few cell phone pictures to share for now.

I let the kids each load their own backpacks for the plane. Big Boy came downstairs with a VERY full backpack, two trucks in hand AND his very large city scene play rug. I did have to explain that the rug was a bit too big to take on the plane.

Here we are having a snack while we waited to board. I had us there a couple hours early to the Sacramento airport so we had plenty of time to eat and watch airplanes.

All buckled in and ready for take off! Big Boy loved looking out the window while we took off then took advantage of the late time flight (we left at 7:55pm and got to Seattle at 9:45pm) and fell asleep after the snack and drink. Boopy just wanted to color and be read to after that. Honestly a wonderful flight with my super travelers!

Hope you're all doing well! We'll be sure to share more of our fun adventures soon!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lack of Posts

I'd love to come on here and tell you all how busy we've been and how that equates to my lack of time to post. In reality though, it's finally slowed down in our lives the past couple of weeks that I've been able to just sit back, relax and work slowly on reclaiming my house after the holiday madness. That and enjoy fun time, like going to the zoo and gymnastics with Big Boy and Boopy. And while I still haven't posted any Christmas pictures or the really fun Snow Day we took on Jan 1st, I've kinda enjoyed my self imposed break from blogging. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE blogging. I blog for me and the hope that anyone that wants to read our little family blog enjoys a peak into our lives, but it was nice to kinda force myself away from the computer and focus on home. That said, there will still be a lack of current posts this next week, but not due to my self imposed blogging vacation.
Big Boy, Boopy and I are packing up and heading up to the freezing cold Pacific Northwest to meet the newest family addition that joined the Prohaska clan in October. Baby Alex "Theo" will be baptized on Sunday with almost all his family there as witnesses. Due to the cost of plane tickets and Papa Vaughn's work schedule, we'll unfortunately be leaving him behind. At least he'll have some great weather to enjoy as the sun is currently shining and it's warmed up to the mid 60's. Me and the kids, however, are packing gloves, scarves, and piles of clothes to layer us up and stay warm in the 40 degree weather we'll be enjoying. I can't help that we've been enjoying the early spring fever here in central California! Regardless of weather though, we're really looking forward to meeting little Alex and getting a chance for the cousins to play together, sure makes me wish we all lived closer in proximity. That certainly doesn't mean that you'll catch me wanting to move north any time soon, it is pretty up there but way too cold for me! (And yes, I know Aunt Kat, cold is relative since you're dealing with even colder temperatures in Connecticut and you too Grandma in Virginia!)
So enjoy the weekend and know that yes, posts are forthcoming. Just think, I'll have even more to share when we return!

Oh my, I can SOOO relate...

Oh my, I can SOOO relate. I don't know what it is, but Big Boy gives us so much trouble when it comes to trimming his nails. Boopy sits there so nicely handing us her hand or foot and watches with little or no wiggling. Big Boy however, acts as if we are about to murder him and wiggles, cries, and begs us not to cut his nails. Seriously, the last time we trimmed his nails Papa ended up hanging him upside down to stop his squirming so I could finish trimming his toenails. It's kinda like when you try to bathe a cat, lots of arms and legs everywhere. Anyhow, I read For Better or Worse daily and had to laugh the other day when the comic above appeared!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Our attempt at watching Extreme Homemakeover Live

With all of Fresno a buzz with the news of Extreme Home Makeover in town , we thought we'd join in the community excitement and take a trip down to see the house in production. Really not a big deal for us considering our good friends, Darren and Carolyn live only 2 streets over from the house being built. So off we trekked for a Sunday afternoon walk to see what we could see, with plans to go back to their house for dinner.

Excuse the horrible picture quality - I just liked being able to show what a nice afternoon it was and a fun walk for the kids.

This unfortunately is as close as we could get...

Apparently, due to the high number of people parking nearby and walking in to spectate, the people in charge of the production, in order to maintain better crowd control, were only allowing spectators if you rode the shuttle into the production area. Shuttles for convenience were being offered for free downtown at the convention center. From what we were told by the police at the end of the street where the house is, there was at least a 2 hour wait to board the shuttle. Big bummer for us that it didn't matter that Darren and Carolyn live only 2 streets over, we were still told that we would have to go downtown, just to come back. Pretty silly, but yet understandable for keeping better control of the production and crowds. Needless to say, we didn't think it worth it to drive downtown just to wait to come back! The walk at least wasn't a waste since it was a glorious late afternoon and the kids got to see a fire truck!

We did catch this tiny view of the house being framed on one street over. If you look through the trees you can barely see it. We might try to catch a glimpse of the house after it's all down and yes it was a disappointment they wouldn't let us down the street to see the work in progress, but at least we had a great visit with Darren and Carolyn.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Argh Matey! Big Boy Birthday Madness!

While I need to blog about our wonderful Christmas, I have so many pictures I haven't finished going through them all. I do have for you though, Big Boy's 5th birthday party that we held on Jan 3rd. (This was actually the first time we haven't actually had his party on his actual birthday, Dec 31st!) Since it is well known that our kids like to bounce, we figured it would be worth it to splurge a bit and have most of Big Boy's party Pump-It-Up. We then invited everyone back to our house for pizza, cake and presents. So without further ado, enjoy the following of Big Boy's party!

Me and "Guya" & Boopy and Uncle D

Miss daredevil, Boopy would not wait for Papa Vaughn, Big Boy and Uncle D to go down the slide with her. She had no fear and simply slide herself down on her belly!

Look at that I actually managed to snag both my kiddos for a quick picture. Pretty amazing when there was non-stop fun to be had!

Pooped out from lots and lots of bouncing!

Big Boy loves air hockey

Saying thank you to everyone for coming!

We started the party at Pump-It-Up at 10 am and finished up just in time for lunch. Since it was so much cheaper for us to share pizza at home, we opted out of the party room provided and ordered up Divinci's for everyone back at our house. This also helped because I don't think we could have safely transported the awesome cake that Papa Vaughn made for Big Boy. I'm so proud of his effort on this cake, especially considering Papa had to work until 11 pm the night before the party. He really wanted to make Big Boy's birthday cake so he ended up being up until 2 am working on it (however, that includes the baking time and he made cupcakes too!). Granted he did ice it in the morning after a run to SaveMart for gummy sharks, alligators and a few candies to help with the decorations. Overall, a wonderful cake that Papa should be very proud of. Plus, Big Boy was SOOO thrilled and excited about his cake.

Boopy got to have one of the gummy alligators.

Finally it was time to open presents. Big Boy REALLY REALLY wanted to open his presents. We almost couldn't get him to leave to go to Pump-It-Up because he wanted to open presents. Then on our way back home, poor Boopy got distraught because it wasn't her birthday and she wouldn't be getting presents. What can I say but it's hard to be little. She ended up being really good and watched Big Boy open the presents and only helped him when he said she could. It's a good thing too that he loves his sister and shares really well with her.

A little after half of our guests left, I had a realization that we never broke the pirate pinata I splurged and let Big Boy get! What can I say, busy mom's are far far from perfect! Regardless, those that stayed had fun breaking it with us, even if the handle broke and the kids ended up just beating it open on the ground! HaHa!

Big Boy got the first swing.

I was a bit worried that poor "Uncle" Chris would end up with a black eye or bruised shoulder!

All in all, a wonderful and happy birthday celebration. Now to let it sink in that Big Boy is really 5 years old. Seriously where does the time go?