Friday, September 19, 2008

It truly is a small world

The other night while taking a brain break from editing photos, I browsed through my usual reading list of blogs. Through one I found a link to another post telling updates on a sad story of a husband and wife recovering from 3rd degree burns due to a plane crash. In a post the sister to the wife wrote, she shared requests for prays for another mother who recently suffered a trauma. So, of course, I followed the link to her story and suddenly found it very familiar. My mother had just recently shared a story from her town about this mom! The mom, Carol Decker, was diagnosed with a Streptococcal Pnuemoniae infection immediately after an emergency c-section for her 2nd child. Due to the strong medications she was put on she tragically lost her sight and had to have both legs and one arm amputated.
This family is obviously dealing with a lot aside from the financial hardship this has brought. What is wonderful to see though, is that my parents found out about this family due to a local fundraiser they will be attending this weekend. It's amazingly wonderful to see communities gather together to help people when they really need it. And what amazes me even more is the way blogging and the Internet have helped to bring people together, regardless of their faith, to share their requests for prayer for any hardships as well as their blessings in their lives. It truly is a small world.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

I just read Carol Decker's blog off of your link. Wow, what a sad story. I can't even imagine having a life that hard. I'm so glad they're getting some support.