Friday, March 6, 2009

A bit behind - WA Trip Part 3

So I'm a bit behind these days with no real excuse than regular life has been keeping us busy. Kids are still in gymnastics on Saturday mornings and LOVING it. Boopy even got to fly like Tinkerbell above the trampoline. She had a blast. Big Boy on the other hand, thought it was more fun to watch. Otherwise, photo sessions (go see baby Max and I'll have 3 new sessions to post in the next week or so), cleaning house and chasing after the kiddos are taking up my time lately. I did, however, finally load up another set of pictures from Washington for you to enjoy! These are from the small park by Grandma & Grandpa Prohaska's house. We hung out there after the baptism.

While walking to the park with the train tracks, Boopy was concerned that Grandma's nose was cold and insisted she keep it warm! Too cute!

Monday of the trip we drove into Tacoma and spent the afternoon at the Children's Musuem. Small but all hands on displays. The kids loved it!

Have a great weekend everyone! We off for another fast trip to Vegas!

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