Friday, August 31, 2007

Dancing Queen

Having had a boy first, I became acquainted with the love of dirt, TRAINS, trucks, cars and overall stereotypical boy stuff. I am learning rather quickly that girls are very different. While Boopy literally wants to do EVERYTHING that Big Boy does that I'm sure she will become quite the tomboy (which is perfectly fine), there are some traits that are innately girl coming through.

  • she has a tendency to scream - I mean really loud shrill shrieking at the top of lungs scream. This is most noticed when she thinks that she should have whatever Big Boy is playing with and she hopes to win the game of tug-of-war, not just by sheer strength but by breaking eardrums thus causing her opponent to fall on the floor in pain.

  • she hugs everything and drags her beloved blankie EVERYWHERE. She sees a stuffed animal and carts it around hugging it to her face. Mostly though it's the blankie that is found wrapped around her like a fancy head wrap, which makes for an interestingly large accessory to her attire.

  • she has ATTITUDE. Yes I'm sure boys can appear to have attitude and appear opinionated, but wow, I don't think they can compete with little girls. A simple "no" will turn the sweet little face into a grimacing horrible "how dare you tell me no" face at which point the small gremlin will proceed to do exactly what you told her not to do all while watching you to make sure you know who's really in charge. Scary toddler trait mostly, but overall GIRL!
  • she LOVES to dance. Let her warm up to you and you'll get quite the show. The best is when the music first starts when the car is turned on. Often the head and entire body start rocking about that you swear you accidentally turned on a switch to her muscle control when the radio got turned on. She'll dance to anything and any kind of music! I just hope that older shy inhibitions don't stop her from continuing to have a love of dance, cause her mama sure can't dance!

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