Monday, August 27, 2007

All I ask is for 1 minute alone please

Why is it that kids pick the worst possible times to pick a fight with eachother, fall down, break stuff and/or get into things they shouldn't? Yes, Big Boy and Boopy are no exception to this phenomen. It never fails that as soon as I sit down to go to the bathroom and make myself completely unaccessible, they start to fight over a toy. Then there are loud screams from Boopy as Big Boy wins the beloved toy (which of course is something they probably rarely play with anyway) and Boopy comes running. Then there's the fight over who gets to "help" Mama in the bathroom. They both want the toliet paper, they both want to sit on the training potty, they both want to sit on Mama's lap! Of course this wonderful display of wanting Mama's attention doesn't happen when I'm up and roaming about the house, it has to happen now, when I'm trying to go to the bathroom.

It's funny to realize that you suddenly feel so much more sympathic to the stories you once heard from others about never getting to go to the bathroom alone once it happens to you. And then you wonder is it really too much to ask for simply 1 minute alone in the bathroom and you realize the answer is...yes.

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