Sunday, January 27, 2008

Beautiful Day

Oh how nice it was to have a break from the rain and enjoy a beautiful sunny day. I seriously had a bit of early spring fever. After seeing Clifford we went home to put Boopy down for a nap. Big Boy, Papa and I sat down and enjoyed watching Spider Man 3. After the movie and Boopy's nap the sun was still shining and it was warm enough to go out and enjoy the swings in the backyard. On such a gorgeous afternoon, I couldn't resist grabbing my camera and taking pictures of my favorite subjects! So without further ado, enjoy the massive amount of pictures and yes, I did take more - these are just what I was able to narrow it down to share.

Little Miss Attitude showed her stuff when Big Boy sat on the swing that she usually sits it. Her favorite word, "MINE" was screamed and she tried to push Big Boy out. A happy compromise was found when Big Boy agreed to let her sit on his lap to swing.

Just being cute!

The sky looked so neat. You can kind of make out Big Boy in the picture. He was so happy to be playing outside he was running and yelling.

A bug caught both kids attention and was quite fun to watch. Boopy being the snot that she is, kept wanting to touch and squish the bug. I tried but sad to say, the poor bug didn't make it.

Don't do it Boopy! Oh no - poor bug!

A little brotherly love before sliding down on her belly.

I taught them how to be a train down the slide. Big Boy was the engine and Boopy was the caboose. The ultimate fun for train loving kids.

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