Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy 2008!

We're party poopers. Yep, you read that right. We said "forget it" about celebrating the New Year at midnight and went to bed just after 10:00pm. Knowing that the kids, mainly Big Boy, would be up early, Papa Vaughn and I decided there was no need to stay up by ourselves just to watch the clock change. Sleep definitely was the better option. And because Papa has started working two jobs and I was in a nice mood, I took the kids downstairs in the morning to let him sleep in. The kids and I had a fun time eating breakfast and watching the Rose Bowl parade. The cool floats they had really caught Big Boy's attention. He especially liked the Honda float that transformed a car into a space ship. Okay, I thought it was pretty cool too, but boy did it catch his eye.

And just to show what a crazy sleeper she is and that, well, she's a pretty crazy kid most of the time, check out Boopy's rat's nest! What a way to wear your hair for the New Year!

Seriously, this hair-do is not unusual for Boopy first thing in the morning. And yes I do brush it out. This morning however, I enjoyed it for quite a while and of course had to document it to give Boopy a hard time when she's older about what crazy hairstyles she used to like!

Papa did come down eventually to join in the parade fun and even got a short Boopy snuggle complete with a tickle attack!

Big Boy of course, also had to start the new year out reading, as both he and Boopy are quite the book lovers. He sat for the longest time "reading" his new Richard Scarry book, all about things the go! Thanks Grandma & Grandpa P!

And just to share in a bit of fun and silliness, this is how our evening wrapped up. By playing with Big Boy's pretend shaving cream (really bath foam). I stepped away for just a moment and heard tons of giggling. When I came in to the bathroom this is what I found. What a fun way to start 2008!

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