Saturday, September 19, 2009

Up, up and away!!

I've decided that I really am a bit crazy at times. Despite having an exhausting 2 weeks while Papa has been away in Hawaii (yes, rough life!) for work, I decided to get the kids up extra early on a Saturday to go watch hot air balloons take off as part of the annual Clovis Fest. Big Boy looked at me like I was nuts when I woke it him while it was still dark. He told me it was too early and hid under his covers. Thankfully the lure of hot air balloons eventually got him to get up and dressed. Oddly, Boopy, who is usually the crabby morning child, woke up quite well when I told her we were going to see hot air balloons. Overall happy excited kids!

Teddy bear couldn't miss the balloon festival.

He was absolutely mesmerized.

Big Boy is getting quite good at photography, don't you think!

Although a fast early morning balloon show, it was worth the lack of sleeping in. The morning was spent with wonderful time with my kiddos, exposing them to something new. It was even more special as the annual hot air balloon festival was something that was a big part of my childhood. I remember going with my parents and my friend's parents who own a hot air balloon. We even used to help be "chase" vehicles for following the balloons to help when they landed. After all the balloons lifted off this morning, the kids and I had a simple little breakfast at IHOP and then went back to downtown Clovis to check out the craft fair and carnival rides which I'll share in another post.


Ann-Marie said...

Beautiful colors! We didn't make it. :) I remember walking around when it was at Fresno State. Great memories!

Gayle said...

Thanks Ann-Marie! Understandable about not making it out there - it wasn't that easy getting up that early! Maybe next year!