Sunday, April 13, 2008

Easter Eggs - Easter Eve

Wow - I'm playing catch-up a bit.... so after our Arkansas adventure, we jumped into Easter. Well, that is after Anne (Guya) and I attended a bridal shower (I also had a baby shower I went to!). Guya and Uncle D went back to Vegas that Saturday evening while Papa Vaughn and I got the kids working on coloring Easter eggs. They had so much fun making a mess and trying not to drop the eggs in the dye. We had a fun but busy night, including a special surprise guest stop by! Auntie Jenn was in the neighborhood and like usual had an Easter treat for the kids! She does spoil them rotten! What was especially wonderful though was that she stuck around to help with coloring eggs and even helped with bath time which was great because I had so much unpacking and organizing to do.
Papa & the kids get into the coloring mode.

Auntie Jenn gets put to work when she stops by!

Some of the finished product!

Auntie Jenn and the kids with their Easter books. They love being spoiled by their Auntie Jenn!

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