Wednesday, April 2, 2008

EEG Catch-Up

Last Friday, as I mentioned in an earlier post, Big Boy had an EEG scheduled. This is being done as a follow-up to the two seizures he had earlier this year. Because he'd gone so long without a seizure the doctors want to run an EEG to double check everything is still okay and there are no new issues we should be concerned with. Honestly, I'm not concerned, but also feel it's better to be on the safe side. Big Boy has already had 2 EEG's in the past and each one has been clear with no abnormalities so I don't see why we'll have an issue with this one. Besides, it still stands that EVERY seizure he has had has been connected with a fever.

Because of the nature of the test, it was best that both Papa and I take Big Boy. Due to the fact that he needs to go to sleep during part of the test, we had to sleep deprive him the night before managing to keep him and us up until 11pm. I then woke him up around 5:15 am. I was actually a bit of a bad parent and climbed back in my bed to rest while poor Big boy sat in his room wide awake reading his books. Honestly, it doesn't matter what day of the week it is or the situation, Big Boy is a morning person and always wakes up wide awake and ready to start the day while Papa, Boopy and I are clearly NOT morning people. Anyhow....the poor kid got less sleep then usual to help make sure he would be good and ready to fall asleep at the 12:30 test time. I took him to daycare as normal and left work to pick him up after 11am. Papa meet me there so that we could ride in one car to make sure one of us could entertain Big Boy to keep him from falling asleep in the car on the way to Children's Hospital where the testing would take place. It worked and we made it there with a sleepy yet happy child.

Papa and Big Boy enjoyed the kids chairs and books while we waited to be taken back.

The nurses were very sweet and easy going with Big Boy trying to reassure him that it was not a big deal and he would be fine. He made friends with them by taking their pictures with my camera and sharing his Big Truck book. His apprehension was lessened by sitting up on the doctor table in between both Papa and me. They prepped his head for the electrodes and then left us to get him to sleep. It didn't take too long, although it did take both of us laying down sandwiching him on the tiny table not meant for three people to get him to sleep. I know Papa fell asleep and I easy could have if not for the fear of rolling off the table.

Once I knew Big Boy was asleep I notified the nurses and then attempted to roll him on his back for the test. Neither Papa (who I woke up) or I were able to do it without waking Big Boy up. He did however lay them nicely and let the nurses attached the electrodes, swaddle his head up and then us again to try to get him back to sleep. It too a bit longer this time, but his sleepy little body finally caved and he fell asleep allowing the nurses to officially start the test. Poor kid was only really allowed to sleep for about 15-20 minutes before we had to wake him up for the next part of the test. This part has a light that is flashed at him to see how the stimulus affects his brain waves. He was understandably not too happy about being woken up and made to look at flashing lights. We tried to have him do the last part which was to open and close his eyes for a matter of seconds, but didn't really get him to cooperate. For his age however, he really did great for being put through so much that he doesn't really understand. The nurses were able to get more than enough test material to have a sufficient EEG for our neurologist to read.

I didn't get any before pictures as the main goal at that point was snuggling and caring for Big Boy. I did snap this picture while he was sleeping. I didn't want to disturb him or affect the test with my flash so please excuse the quality of the picture taken in a mostly dark room.
The next set of pictures are after the test was done and taking off the head electrodes.

He got to pick out a couple of cool stickers for being such a good boy. He laid there without much of a fuss and let the nurse clean his head from all the stick stuff they had to use to get the electrodes to stay on. Yes, he definitely needed his hair washed that night!

Our big trooper with Papa, ready to go get Boopy and go home!

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