Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Grandma Carol - You will be missed!

I just took a call from my Dad almost an hour ago. Grandma Carol passed away peacefully around 10:00am this morning. She had been sedated for at least the passed four days.
  • I cannot say how incredibly grateful, that Anne and I took the crazy leap of faith and took the long trip to Arkansas. What priceless memories we now have that we can never get back.
  • I am so grateful that God awarded us the quality time and lined up our life in a manner to make it all work like clockwork.
  • I am so grateful that Grandma got to see and enjoy Big Boy and Boopy in all their glory.
  • I am so grateful that my Dad and Mom got out to visit and had almost better visit than us!
  • I am so grateful that Grandma is no longer in pain and that Aunt Lynn was with her when she died.
  • I am so grateful that Grandma Carol was MY grandma. She was such a positive person, so full of laughter and life even up to the end. Her charisma will ever be etched in my memories.

In order to share a bit more of Grandma in her healthier years, I've swiped some pictures from her MySpace page. And yes, even up until Feb this year she maintained a MySpace page! She was just that kind of "hip" Grandma!

Grandma - taken a year or so ago at a visit to their hometown of Chicago.

Grandma - taken in her pre-kid years. I believe the first one is from her "Stag" party!

Just a small snippet of the VERY full life she led! Yes, she birthed 12 kids! You read that right 12! No, this is not all of them. This is only about four or five. I believe some of them are my great Aunt's kids. Grandma Carol is the lady in the far back center of the picture closest to the turkey. My paternal Great Grandma (GG) is next to her. My grandpa is the guy on the right of the picture amongst the boys. My dad is the handsome guy right in the front left of the picture, all smiles!

Grandma, I love you.


Unknown said...

I'm so glad that you and Annie were able to take this trip. Please let your Dad and Mom know that they are in our prayers. God has allowed you to have these wonderful memories of your Grandma Carol and the kids will have the pictures you took to help them remember her. Thanks for giving us a look at your Grandma Carol.

Mom V

Anonymous said...

Our condolences on your loss. (PS: You wrote a beautiful tribute!)

Love, David and Jeannine