Saturday, May 3, 2008

Surpise Visit!

Yippee!!! A week ago, Thursday night, April 24th, we received a surprise visit from Grandma & Grandpa Prohaska! Well, okay, it wasn't a complete surprise but it was a last minute route change on the tail end of their road trip. The had just traveled from Washington state to Virgina to Arkansas and then Vegas. Since they were so close they changed plans to go directly north home and instead rerouted to California to get a fast grandkid fix! Big Boy and Boopy were so excited to see Grandpa's blue truck pull up in the driveway. Big Boy in fact even got to pretend drive it!

Because Grandma & Grandpa were going to be in town both Papa Vaughn and I took Friday off. That gave us all a great chance to really enjoy some nice family visit time before they left at noon on Friday. Yes, a very short visit, but fun nonetheless! We did squeeze in some time for a nice walk around the neighborhood which the kids really enjoyed.

It was like Christmas with the amount of presents Grandma & Grandpa brought the kids from their trip. Not to mention the goodies that Papa and I got, some of which were things from my Grandma Carol's estate and things my Grandma Mergler in Virginia wanted us to have now!

Big Boy LOVES his new truck lovingly nicknamed "Chocolate Milk Big"!

Bath time with Grandma brings many smiles!

Grandpa's make great perches for playing video games.

Let's go for a walk!

Big Boy did a great job taking a picture of Grandma & Grandpa!

It was discovered on our walk that Big Boy is part frog. Ribbet!

Quick Vaughn family picture. None of us with brushed hair, looking a bit ragged, but a fun family nonetheless!

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