Sunday, July 27, 2008

Carwash Anyone?

*Warning - semi nude toddler pictures ahead.
I love that the kids are getting more independent these days. They're at an age (4 & 2) where they can play I don't have to hover over them constantly. They can play independently with each other, playing make believe, coloring, bouncing on their bounce balls, you name it.
Well the other night while I was cooking dinner they were playing in the living room. Anyone that's been to our house knows that we have a very open floorplan. So open that the kitchen opens right into the living room and aside from the section where the pantry is you can generally see whats going on. So anyway, I'm cooking and big boy asked if he could wash his cars. He has a toy carwash he likes to play with but instead he wanted to wash his cars in the bathroom sink. The bathroom is also right next to the kitchen and with the door left open I can keep an ear out for whatever is going on in there. No problem, right? Big Boy took a handful of cars and was splashing about happily for quite a while until Boopy decided it looked fun and wanted to join in. not long after she was in there, Big Boy comes out to me and tells me that Boopy is doing a "no-no"!
I walk in to find this: naked Boopy sitting in amongst the cars in the sink. Guess a bath sounded fun or perhaps she making up for the fact that I never bathed her in the traditional baby bathtubs in the sink.

Poor Big Boy was a bit worried about the condition of his cars.

Making herself comfortable.

This is how Big Boy had been playing before his sister took over.

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