Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm so proud of him!

I'm so proud of Papa Vaughn for helping with the Mariposa "Telegraph" fire. Today starts his first real day out there. He called last night and said they were starting 24 hour shifts, clearing hot spots and areas around homes to try to get people back in them safely. It won't be easy work, but I know he will be so rewarded by the service he is doing for others. There was an interesting article in today's Fresno Bee about the status of things. If you'd like to read it, click here. I'm sure lots of prayers and good thoughts for the workers and the people who live up there would be greatly appreciated!

1 comment:

Ann-Marie said...

That sounds like tough work - you have every right to be proud! I'm sorry I didn't get to talk with you at MOMS Cafe. It's funny - when you introduced yourself and said your kids' names, I thought, "No, their names are Big Boy and Boopy!" You've got me brainwashed!