Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Our life is never dull!

I figure I'm long overdue to give you all a family update. Aside from our little outings here and there, we've made some changes and adjustments to our daily life. Don't worry, nothing bad, just stuff that keeps our life from being dull! So, primarily our change stems from the need to downsize our outgoing monies and trying to get Big Boy into speech programs being made available to us. Like most everyone right now, we're finding finances to be rather tight, making options in life a bit frustrating. And like everyone else we're trying to find ways to save and be smarter with our money. So....we've made a change in our daycare set-up.
Currently, the kids are not in daycare. We removed them as of July 4th. Yes, we LOVED where they were at but the cost ($1500/month) was really rough on our budget. The horrible thing is that the cost is very reasonable compared to a lot of other facilities and the care was fabulous. So, what are we doing instead, you ask? Well, until our trip in August to visit family in Washington, my absolutely wonderful friends are pitching in to help us out. I've configured a "Big Boy/Boopy Summer Camp". Each friend that was able, included my sister-in-law, has taken a week or couple of days within a week and is watching the kids. So far, it's gone quite well and the kids are getting rather spoiled! They even got to enjoy Vacation Bible school with Mikayla! I just hope they don't wear anyone out too bad! After we return from our trip in August, we have a wonderful gal set to be our "nanny". She was one of Boopy's teachers at the daycare that left the school for various reasons but we have stayed in contact with her. I know the kids will have a ball hanging out with her as I'm sure she will plan lots of fun activities and keep them well entertained.
This will all be in addition to trying to take advantage of whatever resources we can for Big Boy. While daycare has been fantastic for his speech, we really want to make sure he is Kindergarten ready and won't have any issues due to his slow speech abilities. Last year, we were made aware of a preschool type program a couple of days a week through our school district that was geared directly for kids like Big Boy who need more help with their speaking abilities. Last year, however, Papa Vaughn was gone for 3 months of training for the Air National Guard and there was no way I could juggle the program, 2 separate daycares and work a full-time job. This year, however, depending on how the program is laid out, we can take advantage of it by having a nanny who can drive him there. We're also trying to get him into the HeadStart program, but I'm finding that it's not as easy as I was first lead to be. We may have some difficulties because regardless of Big Boy's need, on paper we look like we rich. Sure wish we were! So, anyway, there we are on the kid front. I'll keep you updated on the HeadStart progress. Wish me luck!
One other change going on is temporary, just don't know for how long. Papa Vaughn left this morning for an 8 day fire fighting training in Sacramento. At the end of the training, if the need for help in fighting all the California fires is great enough he'll be shipped off to one of them, for a possible to 30-45 days. While I really don't relish the idea of doing the single mom thing again like last year and having Papa miss out on our trip to Washington, the pay is really really good. And while I don't want the fires to continue, especially when Papa Vaughn's wonderful Aunt & Uncle are in an area being directly affected by the northern California fires, we could really use the extra income. So, pray that if Papa's help is needed he'll be safe and well taken care of. Oh, and pray for Boopy and my sanity. That little girl has only begun her terrible two's and I'm hoping we both make it to her three's!
So, I hope you're summers are going well and hopefully a bit calmer, quieter and more relaxing than ours. At the same time, you can never get bored with the going-on's of our crazy hectic life. By the way, I really do plan on posting some circus, Obon Festival and Grizzly game pics. Celebrating Papa's birthday over the weekend, packing him, shuttling the kids, working on paying customer pictures from our Vegas trip and oh, yeah, sleep, has taken priority much to my dismay. If only I had more time and a monetary windfall, I'd consider my dream to work from home doing my photography and spending more time with the kiddos. One day maybe, one day....

1 comment:

Anonymous said... really have your hands full! And you ARE doing a great job keeping everything together and still keeping up your great blog!

Don't worry too much about the Guard and firefighting. We have some Guard troops up here now and my understanding is that they do mostly support work. We have been greatly impressed with all the professional firefighters and how they've kept everyone safe. Despite over a month of up to forty fires burning in our County alone, there have been only a few minor injuries and only one cabin lost. It looks like the biggest issue with the troops we've seen is that they look a little bored being out here in the boonies with nothing much to do at night.

Anyway...hang in there...

Jeannine and David