Thursday, October 23, 2008

Meow! (A Boopy Funny)

The other night the kids were finishing up their dinner and I was in the kitchen cleaning up. While my back was turned to them I heard a bunch of giggling, eating, and more giggling. I turned around to see Boopy standing on the chair, holding on to the table and eating her dinner like a dog, face first. My immediate reaction was to laugh, but since we are trying to set boundaries and proper dinner etiquette, I instead had the following conversation with her:
Me (sternly): "Boopy, that is not okay! You are NOT a dog."
Boopy (with no hesitation, looks up at me and says): "I'm not a dog. I'm a kitty-cat. MEOW!"
And she promptly went back to eating like a dog.

If anyone needs some cheap entertainment, I'm willing to rent her out!

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