Thursday, February 7, 2008

Boopy Sleep Update

The war rages on....and on.... So tonight, Papa was working so again I had a little girl who didn't want to listen to Mama. Forget the fact that the last two nights when Papa was home for bedtime, she went into her bed without much fussing and actually stayed there. Tonight, things started out okay. Bed time ended up a little late, so they were, or should have been, good and ready for sleep. Big Boy curled up and was asleep in no time. Boopy actually stayed in her bed for a bit. I thought all was good until I heard rustling around, a little voice and toys being played with. At this point I figured at least she's staying in her room. I let it go on for a few minutes and then called out for her to go to bed. It got quiet again. And then there was a little person standing in the doorway. She told me she had "yuckies" and needed her bottom changed. Ugh. So, after changing her, I put her back in her bed and told her goodnight, again. She fussed and within a few moments she was back in the hallway. After telling her to go to bed, again, she told me no and curled up on the floor outside my door like the other night. Still, I figured this is better than coming into my room. What worked out though is that after I ignored her for a while she inched more and more into their bedroom. She finally passed out like this....

So, it's still not as good as staying and sleeping in her bed, but we're getting closer in proximity!
As frustrating as she is, she's still awfully cute! (Especially when she's sleeping!)

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