Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day Aftermath

Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day. With everyone sick in our house, ours was pretty quiet and not quite the celebratory kind of day it could have been. Papa Vaughn was supposed to work at Circuit City but came home sick and was put straight to bed with a fever. That left me with crazy hyper kids, a horrible cat box to clean and the guest room to straighten up (which I haven't touched since Christmas) for Aunt Kat who is coming for the weekend. Needless to say, it was not a warm fluzzy, lovey-dovey night.

The kids, however, did have a great time at school with class parties and lots of goodies. Here's a bit of the aftermath. Boopy's teacher's gave her the puppy and the box is Big Boy's. I've mixed the candies.

The kids were excited to have some Valentine's in the mail for them from Grandma & Grandpa in Washington and GG in Merced.

This was Boopy's Valentine holder from school. She was quite proud of it.

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